¡Hola hola!
I’m Rubí, the gal behind Every Amma. Every Amma was birthed out of my love of womanhood. Photographing women, in all their power and vulnerability, fills me with deep purpose. I am convinced that documenting births has the power to change how women see themselves. And thus the power to change today’s narrative of birth. My prayer is that there would come a day where our society’s posture towards birth is not one of fear, but of reverence and trust.
My hope is that the pictures I take remain a part of your family’s story, that they be passed down to the next generation. I believe with the veil removed around this sacred passage, the lineage of women after you will grow up empowered— embracing the strength and ability of their bodies. At the heart of it all, my hope is that through these pictures we would all be reminded of the gift it is to simply be a woman.
Not only will Rubí capture the precious little moments during labor..
She’ll also bring her sweet spirit into the room— constantly smiling and affirming you. She captured my moments of pain, sorrow, defeat, but also those of strength, happiness, and triumph. She understood everything I wanted photographed and more!
In short, “Am’mā” is the word for “mother” in various Indian languages. I have a deep connection to the country of India. Across trips, I’ve spent a cumulative four months there and it’s my dream to call India home one day. I wanted to pay homage to that part of me by interweaving it into the name of the business.
So why “Every Amma?” Because I want every mother who stumbles onto my pictures to feel moved and subsequently empowered. I want them to look at women just like them who have gone through the labor process and to ultimately feel tied to something bigger than themselves. Women have been birthing since the dawn of time and I want every mother to feel connected to that lineage of women as they prepare to step into that experience. To me, labor is a sacred passage that unites every woman today with every woman who has been.